The Company has established Whistle Blower Policy for its Directors and Employees to report concerns about unethical behaviour, actual or suspected fraud or violation of the Company’s Code of Conduct and the same is also available on the Company’s website. The Company takes cognizance of complaints made and suggestions given by the employees and others. Even anonymous complaints are looked into and whenever necessary, suitable corrective steps are taken.
All the complaints are reported through mail to the Head HR of the Company and then forwarded to the Ethics Committee for preliminary review. The Ethics Committee decides further course of action after preliminary review of the complaint/ protected disclosure.
In case the Whistle-Blower is not satisfied with action taken on his/her complaint, then the Whistle-Blower can write to the Chairman of the Audit Committee at
When escalating the matter, Whistle- Blower should provide complete details of the complaint and the reason for dissatisfaction.